What is the Professionals' Course?
Over the years, PSYCH-K Originator Rob Williams and some of the more experienced Instructors have discovered or devised a variety of protocols — building on the fundamental balance processes — that have never been taught in any Workshop. There simply isn't time in a two day Basic or four day Advanced, given everything else that is packed into those days, to teach these useful but lesser known processes. We have bundled these 'extras' into the Professionals' Course. We have also included marketing tips to increase referrals of clients into your practice. The Course is intended primarily for those who are practicing PSYCH-K as a profession, that is, charging a fee for facilitation.
You do not have to attend the Advanced Integration Workshop to participate in the Professionals' Course, although if you have attended the Advanced, or wish to, you can still benefit from what we have to share in this Course.
You will learn how to:
- Conduct effective and dynamic private sessions from start to finish
- Market PSYCH-K and increase client referrals into your practice
- Discover spiritual messages that may be present in pain, a dis-ease or addiction
- Effectively work with children
- Balance to transform traumas or other painful life experiences
- Address phobias, depression, anxiety
- Transform allergies
- Enhance sports performance and fitness
- Personally benefit from balances facilitated with others
- Gather messages and meaning from emotions
- Use 10 creative strategies for finding belief statements that pack a punch
- Facilitate an effective session by telephone (for those who have taken the Advanced Workshop)
- Deal with exceptions and conundra (confusion)
In many cases you will see a demonstration, then find a partner with whom to practice and integrate your new skills. Overall, this is an opportunity to significantly sharpen your skill set and deepen your knowledge of and confidence with PSYCH-K. Pre-requisite is successful completion of a Basic Workshop, or Basic and Advanced Workshops.
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© 2011 The Myrddin Corporation. All Rights Reserved.